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Snapdragon Spaces™ XR Developer Platform Documentation

The Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform enables developers to build and publish XR apps on Snapdragon Spaces compatible XR devices. The Snapdragon Spaces SDK can be downloaded from the Snapdragon Spaces Developer Portal.

Snapdragon Spaces Platform

The Snapdragon Spaces Platform section includes technical documentation on the architecture of Snapdragon Spaces for VR/MR and AR, supported hardware, platform features, and platform tools and solutions.

Unity SDK

The Unity SDK section provides technical documentation on project setup, features, samples, and more for building a Snapdragon Spaces app with the Unity SDK.

Unreal Engine SDK

The Unreal Engine SDK section provides technical documentation on project setup, features, samples, and more for building a Snapdragon Spaces app with the Unreal Engine SDK.