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Display Frequency

Display Frequency refers to the ability to dynamically adjust the rate at which the headset's screen refreshes. A higher display refresh rate increases the number of frames per second, but shortens the overall application compute time per frame. A lower display refresh rate reduces the frames per second, but allows for less performant applications to render more consistently.


Developers should take into account the performance of their specific application and set the appropriate display refresh rate to ensure stable frame rates.


The functions of this extension are available in USpacesRuntimeBlueprintLibrary located in SpacesRuntimeBlueprintLibrary.h and all can be called from blueprints.

static TArray<float> GetAllowedDisplayFrequencies(): Returns an array of float cointaining all the available display frequencies that can be selected for the current device.

static float GetDisplayFrequency(): Returns the current selected display frequency.

static void SetDisplayFrequency(float frequency): Select the desired display frequency to use. This display frequency should be one of the available display frequencies for the current device.