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General Features

Snapdragon Spaces offers a series of perception features to help developers create XR experiences.

Please note that the following features have been built and tested for indoor experiences with ideal conditions containing moderate lighting. Due to the nature of current hardware designs, different environmental and lighting conditions may provide varying degrees of accuracy in perception quality. As a result, outdoor use cases are not recommended or supported at this time using the current hardware while improvements are being worked on for future designs.

Positional Tracking

Positional Tracking precisely maps the environment and estimates the location, position, and orientation of the XR device in six degrees of freedom within 3D space. This enables a developer to understand and track the end-user’s position relative to the world. XR content will render in the scene properly relative to the end user’s location, head position, and orientation.

Local Spatial Anchors

Local anchors enable XR content to be placed in spatial space at a given location, position, and orientation on the map generated through Positional Tracking and persist them locally over the session.

Please refer to the sample documentation on how to use local anchors:

To save and load anchors during runtime, please refer to specific chapters of the sample documentation:

Hit Testing

Hit testing can be used to retrieve a physical point in the real world by sending a ray into the world and checking for any hit results.

Please refer to the sample documentation on how to do hit testing:

Camera Frame Access

The Camera Frame Access feature gives the possibility to query the RGB camera of the XR device. The retrieved data can be used for a variety of purposes like creating remoting solutions or feeding the data into a third party perception library.

Please refer to the sample documentation on how to capture: